
What We Believe

The Happy Holy Hour holds to the traditional beliefs of the Bible and Christian Reformed Theology. We believe that salvation is by Faith Alone, through Grace Alone, in Christ Alone, for the Glory of God Alone, and that Scripture Alone guides our understanding of God, the Church, and the world. There are many other great writings that help us understand these things on a deeper level. So we included some of our favorites below!

What We Believe

The Happy Holy Hour holds to the traditional beliefs of the Bible and Christian Reformed Theology. We believe that salvation is by Faith Alone, through Grace Alone, in Christ Alone, for the Glory of God Alone, and that Scripture Alone guides our understanding of God, the Church, and the world. There are many other great writings that help us understand these things on a deeper level. So we included some of our favorites below!

What is the Gospel?

The Gospel: Explained Simply The ‘Gospel’ The word Gospel simply means “good news”. It’s critically important to understand that. The Bible is not a book that tells us what we have to do to [...]

Because of sin, we are by nature wretched in comparison to a Holy God. The only way to be saved from God’s wrath is by God Himself, redeeming us through the finished work of His son, Jesus Christ. He does this by replacing our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh. Salvation is not of our works, it is solely a gift of God. The Christian life is not a life of riches and happiness, but promised difficulty and trials for the purpose of molding us to the image of Christ.

Helpful Confessions & Resources

The Happy Holy Hour is a podcast about Church culture, Christian living, and Biblical Authority. We strive to help Christians become more confident in their Christian faith through Biblical examination, sound teaching, and insightful discussions.

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